Individual Counselling

Counselling works and we can show you how!

Call 0402 805 715 to make an appointment today

Book an Appointment

Weekdays: 9am - 7pm | Saturdays: 9am - 1pm

Marriage Counselling

Want to save your marriage?

Call 0402 805 715 to make an appointment today

Book an Appointment

Weekdays: 9am - 7pm | Saturdays: 9am - 1pm

Mind Health Counselling Hobart

Changes in the world and our personal lives seem to be happening at a rapid pace, putting strain on our relationships and leaving many of us feeling frustrated, depressed, anxious, stressed or perhaps just a little out of sorts. Fortunately, these are all ‘normal’ responses to have to life’s challenges and the ongoing global challenges we’re continuing to move through. However, this doesn’t mean we should continue to struggle on our own. Making an appointment with Mind Health Counselling Hobart will ensure that you can move through these challenges successfully and can make the changes you want to see in your life and your relationships.

Individual Counselling

Individual counselling can provide you with an opportunity to work through your issue in a supportive, confidential environment, free from judgement.


Mind Health Counselling Hobart

Call us on 0402 805 715 to book an appointment today. 

After hours and weekend appointments are available at no extra charge


Online Counselling

Zoom is a secure video conferencing tool we can use to meet online. With our flexible consulting hours we can make sure that we're available around your schedule. Just find a private space where you feel comfortable and join the conversation.